Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Today is the valuable and precious milestones for education in Indonesia in general and Muhammadiyah in particular because all levels of education from elementry schools to SD Muhammadiyah Kriyan Jepara get together to build relationship and networking in The International Symposium For Modern School Development, Social Science And Applied Technologies hosted by SD Muhammadiyah Kriyan Jepara Jawa Tengah Indonesia.
This event is a scientific gathering international level in the fields of education, social, health and technology. We invite academics, scientists, students S1 and Pascsarjana, teachers, education activists, industrialists, Researchers, and the Government to present their best works in this very rare event. They will share their success and present the results and discuss, and to contribute in solving the problems of this nation. This is a rare opportunity to share knowledge and spread knowledge in usefulness.
In ISMOSAT 2016 activities split into two activities, the first National Workshop For Robotics Design (Exhibition) and Colouring early childhoodeducationandearly childhoodschool and second International Seminar on the theme International Symposium For Modern School Development, Social Science And Applied Technologies.
On behalf of the committee, we’d like to express our deep gratitude and thanks to all sides for their sincere helps and supports that make this event possible to happen in SD Muhammadiyah Kriyan Jepara. we have tried and done our best in organizing this event, however, we realized that weaknesses and shortcomings may exist. and for that particular reason we’d like to apologize to you all. hopefully, the next year ISMOSAT will be much better and much improved. have a great competition and symposium.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Jepara, 6th Maret 2016
The Chairman
Akhmad Faozan, S.Ag, M.Pd.